Our facility has started its commercial activities with Professional meat and dairy farming in 1978 and it has lauched Sütkar as a corprate company in 2006.



Our facility has started its commercial activities with Professional meat and dairy farming in 1978 and it has lauched Sütkar as a corprate company in 2006. In the same year, Sütkar who started to manufacture mobile milking machines, milking systems and spare parts has received all the necessary quality certificated and has begun working on herd management systems.

In 2011 Sütkar who presented herd management and definition systems to the customers integrate developing technology to own system and still continues to work with this purpose.



Your prestige is our business "principle of working for the prestige of our customers and the most accurate and most professional way to provide the services we are a community of services.

Sütkar's values, using the latest technology in the world, to offer customers, quality and economic products in the fastest way, with the products and technologies developed, to maintain the leading position in the sector in which it operates with quality understanding that prioritizes customer satisfaction, and this position beyond the borders of the country with increasing export potential to contribute to the development of his country.